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Essential Ying and Yang Luo Pairs

If You Are Experiencing Difficulty Breathing or Bowel Congestion Call Dr. Robert C. Slater at Healing Hands Wellness LLC today at 952-217-9587 For Professional Acupuncture Assessment and Treatment

A vital area of acupuncture treatment is resolution or release wind or heat from the interior of the body to the exterior, thus restoring normal qi flow to that meridian and associated organ.

Luo-connecting acupuncture points are favorite Go to points to manage wind or heat pathogens associated with underlying chronic, intermittent or seasonal dysfunction of organs and tissues of the body.

All Luo-connecting acupuncture points pairs in the chart below are generally noted in the Yin [organ on left] and Yang [organ on right] order. The exception in the chart below is the Yang versus Yin pairing of the Stomach and Spleen Luo acupuncture point pair.

LUO connecting points


The specific example of reciprocal Luo point treatment of wind or heat adversely affecting health are Yin/Yang Luo connecting acupuncture points that communicate between the Lung #7 [Yin] and Large Intestine #6 [Yang].

wrist chart


As noted in the diagram above, both these Yin [lung-internal] and Yang [large intestine-external] coupled Luo acupuncture points are located along the distal radial [thumb side] aspect of the forearm.

Treatment of the Lung Luo point [#7] to the Large Intestine expels wind and heat from the bowel. Wind and heat are two types of pathogens, among others noted in Chinese medicine adversely affecting the health of the large bowel. The presence of these pathogens is associated with swelling, soreness and congestion of the bowel, as well as treating pain in the neck and face.

Likewise, treatment of the Large Intestine Luo point [#6] helps strengthen the lung’s water regulating function to reduce edema or difficult urination, decrease difficult breathing in addition to improving memory.

Other reciprocal Yin Yang Luo connecting acupuncture paired points noted in the same chart above are:

Heart meridian # 5 and Small meridian Intestine #7

Spleen meridian #4 and Stomach meridian #40.

Liver meridian # 5 and Gall Bladder meridian #37

Pericardium meridian # 6 and Triple Warmer meridian #5

Kidney meridian #4 and Urinary Bladder meridian #58

Conception vessel # 15 and Governing vessel #1

Acupuncture needling of Luo Points for these conditions helps resolve several correlated undesired health concerns. Check out each of the dynamic Luo-combinations and their meridians noted on my website: for a smart look at how to stay healthy utilizing Chinese Acupuncture.

Seeking professional management of seasonal and or intermittent health problems with combined chiropractic and acupuncture care will restore strength and normal function adding greater quality to your home and family living.

Call: 651-699-3366 or 952-217-9587 Today.